Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year Resolutions part 1

Every year I make new years resolutions.  And for the past several years, I've been able to reach most of my goals.  Yes, really!

There are a few key elements to achieving goals.

1- Write it down
2- It must be realistic
3- It must be measurable
4 - It must be specific

So, one goal I DON'T make it to "be a better mom".  Why not?  Well. . . how do you measure being a good mom?  Is it quality time?  Is it patience? Is it activities you do with kids?  Some of those things are measurable... Make those MEASURABLE things your goals.

Another goal that is hard to measure is "learn to play an instrument."  How do you measure "completion" of learning it?  This again is where we get really specific.  How about "learn to play 'Stairway to Heaven'" as a goal instead?  Or "learn how to play all the chords of a guitar"? See?  measurable, specific, realistic.

Start thinking of a few goals you'd like to reach.  I'll write more about goals in a few days.

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