Hello world!
For the past several years, I've been circling around an idea. . . An idea that has potential. An idea that friends and therapists have agreed would be a benefit, and would be useful in our community.
It all started one day when I was with a few friends at a women's retreat. An idea to help women to overcome challenges and build self esteem was born. At the time, everyone in the group was working through MAJOR challenges.
Years passed, and I felt a tug to work towards this goal. I received promptings to go back to school. I was afraid, because I didn't understand WHY I would need to go back to school. Four years later, I understand. In the past 2 1/2 years, I have been divorced, watched my mother pass away, struggle with singlehood, battled unemployment (being the only breadwinner in the home), and completed a master's degree. I don't say this because I need a virtual pat on the back, but to let you know that I have overcome MAJOR trials. Even more important, I hope to be able to pass on some wisdom and aid to others who are also going through trials. I know how these challenges were overcome. It was through my religious beliefs that I was able to have the strength to overcome. I am LDS, and am firm in my knowledge of the gospel, and the Atonement.
But, I'm also a social scientist. I know that I can't use my religion as a way to help everyone through trials. I learned about resiliency, and chose resiliency as my vessel to aid others in overcoming challenges. During grad school, resiliency was MY topic (I'm sure my cohort was tired of hearing about my passion). I decided that the way I can help others is to teach resiliency to others. Resiliency as a skill set is the beginning of self esteem, and gives meaning to our trials. If you have yet to experience challenges, well. . . everyone will go through something someday. I hope by teaching skills, I can aid other, and they will have the skills necessary WHEN challenge occur.
I've pondered about how to get from where I am now to beginning my organization. I have experience in running a successful business, along with fundraising, organizing events, grant writing, community outreach and more. These skills have given me the backbone to begin. While pondering, I felt that I should start a blog. I don't know how starting a blog is going to get me from here to running a resiliency center (I will write more about my specific action plan later), but I trust that these promptings will lead me in the right direction.
Resilient people move forward, not backwards! While I am willing to listen and offer empathy towards those who have struggled, I do not want to move backwards.
This weekend, someone told me that I would be a good teacher. I intend to teach skills. Skills are based both on research, and my personal experience.
Resiliency has a component of spirituality. While my religious beliefs fill that for me, spirituality can come from many forms, and does not have to include organized religion. Because of my strong beliefs, I am not able to separate my secular knowledge and spiritual knowledge. If you are not of the same faith as me, I hope you will tolerate and be respectful of my beliefs, and I will be respectful of yours.
I have no idea where this blog will be seen, or who it will touch, or how this will help me to reach my goals to rescue others, but I know it will. If you read this, and have any insight on how I can obtain my goals, please let me know. This is the first stage of pursuing a dream, and more will follow. While I do have several concrete plans on how to help others, I am still brainstorming, so if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
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